Tuesday, December 11, 2007

my bags are packed...i'm ready to go

well...sort of. my bags are most definitely not packed. but i am super super ready to go! 3 more days and i'll be home! i cannot wait to...see phil-kiss phil-love on phil-see my friends-see my family-introduce bitty-show bitty snow-eat at isaacs-celebrate christmas-give phil his awesome gift-get my awesome gift-go downtown-go to kokomos-go to houlihans-go to movies-pregame-play bullshit pyramid(liz)-cuddle with phil and bitty together-see aiden and tristan-visit ruth-ride in the new jetta-go to candylane-go drunken sledding-tickle phil-have a dirty martini night-take a long ride with ajay-have a genuine hard pretzel-dress bitty in her winter wear-drink boozed-up hot chocolate-and only get into cars that phil preheated<3
3 more long days!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

my roommate is the dog whisperer/we are the laziest people that exist

Lindsey should not have plans to be an interior designer. She stood instead look into a career in the canine field. Her and Bitty are the best of friends. And she's also fallen in love with every Burmese Mountain dog in the Phoenix area. It's actually quite cute how she bonds with the numerous pups... (You should not read any further if you find laziness disturbing.)
So in our living room there is an approximate 4 foot gap between the pieces of furniture on which Lindsey and I sit. To some of you, especially those who do not frequently pass things, this might not seem like a great distance. However, this distance is approximately 6 inches greater than our comfortable maximum reach. So, like any innovative people would do, we decided to purchase a transporter of some sort. The cheapest remote control car available happened to be a volkswagen vanagon which I knew would delight Phillp. So we purchased it, along with a basket to attach. And now we're set. We're also hoping to develop a more complex robo-machine in the near future. Be on the lookout.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

i'm thankful for...

Thanksgiving was wonderful this year! Lindsey and I were both a little sad we couldn't go home but it ended up being a great day. We cooked a ton of awesome food and had my parents over. We boozed and feasted and visited! The only thing that was missing was Phil! And all of my other friends of course. The night before Thanksgiving was fun here but it was no Chick's...haha. Thankfully, I'll be home in a couple of weeks and can do plenty of catching up.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

mr. twenty

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Phillip,
Happy Birthday to you!
I love you so so much and hope you have the best birthday ever!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!

Look at the girls!!! Bitty was a ladybug for Halloween and Bella was a witch. They were very cute and loved their costumes. Other than that, and a busy school day, our Halloween was uneventful.

Mr. Phil was not feeling well today so hopefully these pictures will cheer him up. AND, Ajay and Emily made their arrangements to come out in January. I cannot wait for visitors. EVERYONE is welcome to visit anytime!

Monday, October 29, 2007

walk, Naomi Campbell walk...

So Lindsey modeling at the fashion show went off better than could have been expected. It ended up not being quite as ghetto as I would have hoped for. The image was more "punk". Regardless, the roomie looked hot in her little outfits and the crowd went wild. I was cheering in the crowd and snapping photos with two cameras like an asshole. But the guy in charge did mention using Lindsey for a show in Vegas if we would be willing to go there. HA! Willing... I can't wait.

After the show was over, she had to stick around to do a professional shoot which I cannot wait to see the pictures from. They will be less botched than mine.
Then we hightailed it out of there and moved on to a Halloween party that my friends from work were having. Out costumes were awesome so I was really excited when I realized neither of us took one picture of each other. I did, however, get a very few shots of my awesome co-workers. I included two of my favorites. Paloma and Brandon were roller skaters and Curtis, although this picture does no justice, had the best "Britney Spears VMA performance" costume there could have ever ever been.

I also need to include the following picture to prove two things. Number one...that my hair does not look "ridiculously stupid" with a little bump in the front. (Thank you very little, babe.) And number two... that Bitsy is a confirmed ankle biter. (But still very loved.)

Other than that, it seems as though I'm all caught up blog-wise. I talked to many a friend back home this weekend and cannot wait until December 14th so I can see everyone. It could end up being the best winter break yet, if I play my cards right.

And...I love Phil. <3

Friday, October 26, 2007

a random assortment...

So...Bitty was looking a little homeless and smelling extra dog-like. We thought it a good time to take her to the groomer. And look! They cut her so short that she looks a little weird. I'm still getting used to it but it's just fur...it'll grow back. Her and Noon are the best of friends and are together all the time. Noon went to the groomer too but she just got a bath.

Haha...and here is what happens when you're innocently walking around campus minding your own business but happen to have a tattoo. People track you down and take your picture.
In very interesting news...Lindsey is going to be modeling in a fashion show tomorrow night. At a sweet nightclub. Some guy we met asked her to do it for his clothing line. Wanna know what the best part is? It's a GHETTO clothing line...haha! Lindsey in some ghetto fashion show. You can count on at least one blog post with numerous photos. It is going to be priceless.

who's the boy with the pretty eyes?

killing yourself probably isn't the answer. it won't be so long until we are together. of course i miss you. i miss you in the morning. i miss you when i get off work. i miss you when i go to bed. all day, everyday. i officially fell in love with you while i was in atlantic city laying on the beach. you weren't even there but we talked on the phone and after we hung up i couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. my friends made fun of me. i was glad you creeped your way to sonic that day. i would drive for five hours to eat tots with you right now. you are whipped...but only a little. the flowers in my car were adorable and my bed is way too big for just bitty and i. i wanna learn how to do a kick-flip right now... you are the best boyfriend in the entire world. lindsey and i played sweet'n'low shuffleboard at breakfast today...saturday breakfasts were amazing. i miss your face when you get hurt. it's probably the cutest thing in the world. i miss spontaneous road trips. "you guys know where to get weed in inner harbor?" i miss it all. i'm so excited to keep making memories with you. and for my gift. haha... i love you so much. always. and forever.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A little catch-up...

Well, Lindsey and Jesse got here and I lagged behind on the blogging. And on the damn pictures! Here is one that I took before they even came and I never put up! It's Bitty's new travel bag... And look how long her little fur is.

Once Jesse arrived it was time to Nair...very straight Jesse. Lindsey and I both get ready quicker than him...

Unfotunately, I took zero pictures any of the nights we all went out. I'm not sure why I even own a camera.

However, I did manage to snap a few shots of us at the fair. All of them take place on the ferris wheel. Here's the roomie and I!
And then, Mr. Phillip had us pick him up a sweet ass computer that a guy out here was selling. And I will say it again...a sweet ass computer. Lindsey and I think we should just hold onto it here until Phil moves out. But he thinks it's a better idea to ship it to him...

We'll see.

Pathetically, that was all of the photo documentation captured.

Back to the grind now. And I start my job tomorrow. The amount of information P.F. Changs expects a person to learn in one day is incredible. I studied tonight for WORK....

Oh...and I really miss Phil. <3

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Bella and Bitty unite!

Lindsey, Jesse and Noon got here last night around 8:30! We went out last night and got wasted. And then today was work, work, work! We got sooo much accomplished. Bella and Bitty met and are getting along fabulously...they even have matching dresses. The boozing hour is officially here...so I must run!
P.S. I miss Phil.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

how damn dear...

Phillip was bored at work today and sent me a little e-mail with this picture he edited. How goddamn adorable?! I thought about my life today. I realized that I love it...so much. I am so happy with my life that it is surreal. And that is awesome. I don't even know what else to say. :)

Monday, October 8, 2007

Phil's latest blog is definitely worth looking at...

So, Phillip finally decided to put up the very few pictures he took during his visit. And they are PERFECT! I stole these two for my own uses. But I would highly recommend that each of you click on the little link to his blog and view them all for yourselves. Please disregard the one where I look like I'm picking my nose...because I am not. And you can also check out his sweet new supply of fortune cookies while you're there...if that's your sort of thing.
The stooges made it to Nashville tonight and are right on track. They've also made a promise to not get too wasted in the local bars and to leave on time in the morning. I have faith!
Bitsy's dog carrier for on the plane came today. I would show you pictures of her in it...but she isn't so excited about that idea tonight. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day for the carrier. Little also has yet another appointment with her doctor tomorrow and hopefully we can get her cough straightened out for good! Right now, I'm going to concentrate on getting whatever foreign object she is currently chewing on away from her...and doing so quickly.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

The 3 stooges depart!

So, tomorrow morning Lindsey, Jesse and the Noon will pile into the Murano and set off for Tempe! I'm so excited to have my roommate here! And Bitty is equally excited to have a little friend in Bella. Hopefully, their trip goes as planned and they make it here by Thursday! However, I could see the three of them having a little difficulty making it out here on time. I have promises of a prompt arrival so I'll trust in those for now. Until then, I need to get our home in tip-top shape and get all caught up on my schoolwork. That way I can concentrate on having a fabulous time this coming weekend!

There's one thing missing that would make it all perfect...


Saturday, October 6, 2007

Little with the new dress on!

Little got a new dress today. She didn't even mind wearing it! I went shopping for all of my new work duds and ended up buying much more than I intended to. But, I do have a job now...so I think I can justify spending some extra cash. Orientation is bright and early tomorrow! Bright and early on a Sunday morning...which I think is a little strange. I'll be excited to get it over with and meet some of my co-workers though! As for tonight, I have plenty of schoolwork that I should be doing. But I'm not making any promises. And poor Phillip lost his cell phone in New York so I'm on a Verizon cell phone hunt. Should anyone reading have an extra, I'll appreciate you contacting me! I think I'll go and free the Little from her new dress now...

Friday, October 5, 2007

Haha...I win!

So, apparently if a person is exceptional enough they can skip the 3rd interview at P.F. Changs and have a position offered to them after the 2nd. And, boy oh boy, it is nice to be exceptional! Ha, except for my identity being temporarily lost, today was an outstanding day. And thankfully, my identity was recovered after a mere 5 hours! I have orientation on Sunday morning and then I will begin my job...and make serious bank.
Mr. Phillip was off to New York tonight and although there was a terrible traffic jam, an alternate route was found and he is currently having bunches of fun in Queens with Shane. I'm excited he's having such a good time!
I will soon be having just as much fun. Lindsey will be here in less than a week and then it will no longer be only me and my 2 pound dog. I'm super excited to have my roomie here!
Next week I certainly will not be sitting at home on a Friday night with the pup-tart!
And Bitty will also have a roomie/friend...Ms. Bella. She hasn't been introduced to another little doggie since she left her sister! So I am very excited to see how it works out. Hopefully, they will be the best of friends! And the four roommates will live happily ever after...

Thursday, October 4, 2007

My daily reminder!

This little silver heart on the bus stop sign I stand next to everyday is certainly no coincidence. And today, as I was setting out to hunt for a job, it gave me an extra boost of confidence! Of course, my little tagger put it there and pointed it out right before he left. Phillip said, "Now everyday when you wait for the bus you can think of me." Is it any wonder that I'm head over heels in love with him?
As far as the big job hunt went, turns out I should have been confident from the start. I started out fully prepared with a stack of resumes and my most professional/trendy outfit. And since P.F. Changs was on the very top of my "Where I want to work" list, I went there first. No more resumes were needed! I had my first interview today and my second is tomorrow (they require three for all servers) but the manager said I should have nothing to worry about! Yay! I guess it's a good thing my resume/personality is so amazing...hehe.
Anyhow, I can put off cleaning no longer...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

March cannot possibly come soon enough!

I know, I know. I said I would never have a blog. Who really has the time to publish postings about arbitrary things that happen throughout their day? Perhaps, someone who has way too much time on their hands? But...Phillip said he would like to read/view the arbitrary parts of my life. So, here we are. I do not promise anything remotely entertaining or even the least bit interesting. And to be honest, if you are not Phillip Michael Greene, I would really prefer that you simply move on to the next blog on your viewing list.

Now that I've explained myself, things are going wonderfully here in Tempe. Bitsy is recovering well from her miniature attack of pneumonia. Now the only thing she is suffering from is a whole lot of heartache. Phillip will not be here permanently for almost six months! She misses her daddy very much. She also hates sitting still next to signs almost as much. Who can blame her really? I miss her daddy more than she does. And I completely sympathize with the sign complex. Like mother, like daughter I suppose.