Friday, October 26, 2007

a random assortment...

So...Bitty was looking a little homeless and smelling extra dog-like. We thought it a good time to take her to the groomer. And look! They cut her so short that she looks a little weird. I'm still getting used to it but it's just'll grow back. Her and Noon are the best of friends and are together all the time. Noon went to the groomer too but she just got a bath.

Haha...and here is what happens when you're innocently walking around campus minding your own business but happen to have a tattoo. People track you down and take your picture.
In very interesting news...Lindsey is going to be modeling in a fashion show tomorrow night. At a sweet nightclub. Some guy we met asked her to do it for his clothing line. Wanna know what the best part is? It's a GHETTO clothing line...haha! Lindsey in some ghetto fashion show. You can count on at least one blog post with numerous photos. It is going to be priceless.


Ajay said...
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Ajay said...

IT'S A GHETTO CLOTHING LINE?! I didn't know that, fuck I wish I was there. Isn't it great that we're models and getting offered jobs all the time? *tweak*